Bah Humbug! You may recognize the this simple negative statement used at Christmas time as originally written by Charles Dickens in 1843 for his work A Christmas Carol and spoken by the character Ebenezer Scrooge. You may know the history but do you know the meaning of the statement? In general it means that something or someone is a fake and not real. It is spoken by someone who believes that they have just seen something that is deceptive and fake. Thus Scrooge refers to Christmas as “Bah Humbug.” He chooses not to care about others and their needs. He is worse than the old saying used in the days of pay phones, “I’ll give you a quarter to call someone who cares.” In complete contrast we see Isaiah predict that the child to be born in Isaiah 9:6 would be called the Everlasting Father. These words describe the love, care, provision and ultimately the protection of a father. However, unlike an earthly father, this prediction referencing Jesus points to His everlasting or unending qualities of protection. Through Jesus, God has offered His protection and redemption from sin. Christmas is a time to recall God’s everlasting gift of salvation for all people. This was accomplished though Jesus, who was born as a baby, just as Isaiah predicted. That is not false information. The skeptics may respond with a loud “Bah Humbug,” but in reality it is great news of great joy from a great Father.
For more see Isaiah