What is debt? Debt is something that is owed or due. Most often debt involves money but there can be other debt like a debt of service or love. Each one of us, most likely, has some debt. It may be an auto loan, a house mortgage, a credit card, a student loan or even a loan between family or friends. Debt is incurred because we assess our level of desire or need and decide to borrow from someone else so this need or desire can be met. The act of borrowing makes us indebted to someone else. Now, what would you say if I told you that I would completely pay off all your debt? Paul was offering to do the same thing for Onesimus. In Philemon 18-20 Paul offers to not only pay off any debt that was owed to Philemon by Onesimus, but he also personally guaranteed the payment. Going beyond this promise, Paul is encouraging Philemon to display God’s grace toward Onesimus, in the same way he has received God’s grace. Like Onesimus, Philemon did not deserve grace. In the same way, like Onesimus, we also have a debt of sin that we can’t pay, however Jesus offers and guarantees to pay for our sin. He becomes our substitute, taking on our debt, so we can live a new life because of His grace. By faith we must accept this offer and live a new life because of God’s grace to display God’s grace. Knowing Jesus as savior changes everything about debt for Philemon, Onesimus and us.
For more see PHILEMON