Paralyzed with fear… Have you ever been there? One time I climbed a pole on an obstacle course and had to stand on the swaying top which was about the size of a dinner plate. Once on top, and 20 to 30 feet in the air, I had to jump to another similar pole about 8 feet away. I knew I had a safety line that would catch me, but as I stood on top of the swaying pole I could not make my body jump. Eventually, I threw myself off my perilous perch, missed the other pole, but was caught by the safety line. It is amazing how quickly I forgot the confidence and security that the safety line provided. Likewise, in Exodus 14:1-14 we see the nation of Israel forget the strength and protection of God. They had just seen God humble Pharaoh, the most powerful king at that time. Now they look up to see that Pharaoh has changed his mind about releasing them (5-9) and is now racing after them with horses and chariots. They responded in fear (10-12) seeing only their coming destruction not the power and protection of God. Moses then stepped in and delivered God’s message to the people (13-14) saying three things. First, do not fear; second, stand firm; and third, see God’s salvation because He will fight for you. Like the nation of Israel, fear will often paralyze us and blind us from seeing the power of God. We struggle to control danger and fix it before it hurts us. Fear calls us into action to protect ourselves from danger, but faith tells us to be still and let God fight. Our response to danger and fear is a chance to honor God and let Him display His greatness in our situation and through us.