A single deer crossed the trail followed shortly by a fawn. Rounding the bend in the trail we were able to have a better view. There, on the side was another fawn trying to cross the trail, but it faced a predicament. We were on one side and a biker was on the other. In typical deer fashion the fawn panicked and tried to run away from the bike. Eventually it darted directly in front of the bike to join mom and its sibling. In the course of about an hour we had the pleasure of observing twenty deer with a number of them being the babies with spots. If you watch closely, a mother deer will call the baby to come toward her. That is exactly what God did with Moses in Exodus 3. Moses was doing his regular job watching over sheep when God called him (1-4). However, this was very different from a deer calling its baby. God called Moses from a bush that did not burn up. As Moses turned to see why the bush did not burn up God spoke and gave him directions (5-10). Like Moses, God still directs our work. We may think that we are forgotten and neglected but God knows exactly where we are and what we are doing. God has a way of gaining our attention to show Himself to us and call us to Himself. Like Moses in verses 11-13, we may struggle with the change. Remember, God directed Moses to the desert, to the bush and to a new way of living by faith. Today, God still calls us to Himself and to a life of faith in Him. All He wants us to do is follow Him. When God calls will we follow or come up with excuses why it is not possible?