You are what you eat in that healthy foods will help you maintain good health or junk foods will deteriorate your health. You are what you believe. Now that is something to think about. Believe it or not our deep seated beliefs and even unstated beliefs will impact the way we live. In the book of Colossians we see the author, Paul, giving his final instructions to his readers. He has instructed them in what they should know about Christ and the false beliefs of the false teachers. He now concludes his instruction on how to live for Christ. Paul notes that the beliefs held by the Colossian church are reflected in how they live. Very simply the goal of the believers conduct and conversation is to represent and present Christ to those who do not believe. Perhaps it is even more simply summarized in the word authentic. Today we can show that Christ is supreme in our lives through our personal conduct and our speech. Both of these will be a reflection of our faith in Jesus Christ. If we believe that Christ is supreme it will show in how we live and what we say as we seek to bring others to Jesus. If not, well … you are what you eat.