I remember when I was in grade school my brothers and I would have a competition… who could get across the frozen mud puddles without falling in. We would laugh at each other and the threat of getting wet feet. Some of us always went home with wet feet and had to face the wrath of Mom because she always told us to wear boots so our shoes would stay dry. The noise of laughter and a brothers dare caused us to not hear wisdom.
On the occasion that we would wear boots we would head to the same puddles in the spring time. However, this time the rules were different. The goal was to see how far you would dare walk into the water with out the water coming over the top of your boots. Inevitably, the ongoing challenges existed. If one of us seemed to be having success the others would throw large rocks into the puddle to create a splash and cause the water to flow into the others boots. The noise of laughter and a brothers challenge caused us not to hear wisdom.
Listening, it is one of the most difficult lessons that we must learn. We first learn this lesson from our parents, then from teachers in school, and then we turn around and expect our children to listen to us. Listening for life learning is important, but it is more important to be able to listen to God and the wisdom that He provides for life. Our world has always been a place full of distractions, yet God’s wisdom is always available. We just need to seek Him and listen to Him above the noise of our world. In the book of Proverbs the writer describes wisdom using human characteristics to help the reader relate too and understand the actions of wisdom. In God’s wisdom we find peace to guide our path in life. As we know God we know peace (33). Ultimately as we listen to and walk in God’s wisdom (20-21) we find that what He offers is useful in all areas of life (22-28). Wisdom has offered what is truly good but the fool has rejected what is good (29-31). Knowing God is the beginning of wisdom. Let us thank God for the wisdom that He gives and walk in it.
As we walk through this time in our life and our world it might be good to pause and ask ....
How is God calling to us to turn and listen to His voice? God's wisdom is available, just listen. Perhaps God has allowed this time to adjust your schedule to be quiet enough to listen to Him.
How are we responding to God's voice of wisdom? God's wisdom is useful, accept it. God reveals Himself and His truth in His book the Bible. Be wise and ponder what God reveals in the Bible for its usefulness each day.
How are we handling life? God's wisdom brings peace with Him as we walk with Him. When we know God we will know peace. Do you know Him and His peace?