Ephesians Curriculum jethrotools.org
Teaching Text: Ephesians 5:1-14
Teacher Study Notes:
Copyright © 2020 Ken Gibbs jethrotools.org
Teaching Text: Ephesians 5:1-14
Teacher Study Notes:
- Overview / Review: The last half of the book is now focusing on how to live as a result of God’s grace. Paul made the directional change from God’s working in the Ephesian believers (chapters 1-3) to God working through the Ephesian believers (chapters 4-6). The first part of chapter 4 is deals with the relationships that the Ephesian believers have with each other. Chapter five begins listing some practical ways the Ephesian believers can walk, or live a life that imitates god. In chapter 5 Paul uses the word therefore three times. This helps provide text divisions and application of Paul’s thought on how God’s children should walk as imitators.
- Paul begins this section by explaining that God is the example to follow. There are very clear contrasts in this section. Note the difference that Paul sees between God’s love and self love (verses 1-6), and a life filled with light that produces spiritual fruit and the ungodly life darkened by sin and unfruitfulness (verses 7-14). Look for the contrasting life styles.
- Imitation: It is often said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. This means that you show someone that you believe and respect them so much that you choose to honor them by copying what they do. Notice that Paul begins chapter 5 with a reference to the Ephesians as children. Notice as well that these are special, dearly loved children. You will find some very easy applications in these verses as you think through how to live a holy life that brings honor to God. Be careful. Talking about doing these things is easy but often very hard to learn and live. Like children, we must practice over and over a life of imitating God.
- Attraction of the audience to your Bible lesson with an illustration.
Tell us about someone that you tried to copy or imitate. Why did you try to copy them? Did you try to copy their haircut, clothes, car or words, attitudes and actions? Transition: In this study we will see that the Ephesians are challenged to imitate God. - Read the Bible passage
Read the Bible passage out loud or ask someone else to read it out loud, open in prayer Make general important observations about the passage and the context
Briefly review by telling what has been presented up to this point in the book. Summarize for the group what will be covered in this section. - Examination of the Bible passage with the group
(These questions are to guide your thinking and development of your Bible lesson.) Why is the idea of imitators important to this chapter?
Where is the passage divided? Why? (hint: look for the therefore)
What are the contrasts that Paul uses?
How does Christ’s example (vs. 2) provide a contrasting example to verses 3-6? Discuss verses 3-4 with the group. How do we do these things today?
What do verses 5-6 mean? How does it connect with the rest of this passage?
What are the key words and repeated ideas in verses 7-14?
How does verse 10 fit with the rest of the passage? Why?
What is the connection between fruitfulness and light or unfruitfulness and darkness? - Application of the Bible lesson
Have the group think about their spiritual relationship with God and others. Discussion: How can we honor God and value His grace that is shown to us? Application: Imitate God by living a holy life
Copyright © 2020 Ken Gibbs jethrotools.org

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