Gift giving is on our minds at this time of year. At times we all struggle to determine what to give that certain someone. If you ask others for advice on what to give, you may hear a wide range of answers including something to eat, something to wear, something to do, or even time with you. Helpful as that list of suggestions may be, we are still left scratching our heads, puzzled by what to give. Perhaps we need to simplify the process. Rather than thinking about what to give the other person, it might be better to think like the other person. Once we begin to think of a great gift from the receivers perspective we will see what they need and value most, then give accordingly. That is exactly what God has done for us. In Isaiah 9 we see that God clearly understands us as people and gives us exactly what we need. Isaiah, under God’s direction, records God’s promise that a child will be born and a son will be given (6). God is making a grand announcement proclaiming what He will do for us. This simple verse describes the human side of a child being born and also the divine side of God giving His son. What is this? This is God, through Isaiah, building in the people the belief that God will come and live with man as God with us, Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14). The rest of Isaiah 9:6 goes on to describe how this gift from God is exactly what lost and sinful humanity needs. At Christmas our gift giving is a very small imitation of the gift of Jesus himself, that has been given to us. God knew exactly what we needed and gave His Son to forgive us, restore us and give us new life (John 3:16). In Jesus, God has given the perfect gift of salvation that we have deeply desired.