Just down the street, from my home, a new house is being built. Have you ever paid attention to the process of building a home? Several months ago several large pieces of heavy equipment arrived on the site and began digging the foundation. Then concrete was poured and now the walls and roof are going up. There is a small crew of workers at the new house site each day moving the project toward its designed completion. But what if each of the workers decided to construct what they wanted without regard or communication with the others? The end result would be nothing but disorganization and chaos. There would be wall without doors and stairs going to nowhere. However, each of the workers reads the house plans, listens to the boss, and does what is being communicated. The same is to be true in the church. The early church, in the book of Acts, saw continued growth with many people coming to faith in Jesus. In Acts 2:41 about 3000 people believed and were baptized. Stop and ask yourself why. The answer is found in looking back to the beginning of the book. In His last words to His disciples Jesus promised power through the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). This promised individual spiritual power brought change to each disciple and they spoke of Jesus the savior who is alive and no longer in the grave. God gave His power to His disciples to build His church through their witness. The same is true for us today. The promise of the Spirit’s indwelling and transforming power is true for everyone who believes in Jesus. God desires that we listen to Him, point others to faith in Him and thus see His body, the church, built for Him. As believers we are empowered by God’s Spirit for God’s glory to proclaim God’s message! Let us live each day using His power by participating as His witness.
For More See ACTS