How would you end a letter? What would be your closing comments to a dear friend? Today, we have lost the art of writing letters. So, let’s review the basic parts of a letter. First, there is the greeting and opening comments that draw the reader into what will be said. In our study through 1 Timothy we have seen this in the first two verses. Following the opening is the main body of the letter. This is the main content of the letter where the author addresses the important matters to the reader. Then there is the closing. This often gives the writer a chance to summarize what has been said and perhaps provide some encouraging and hope filled comments. That is exactly what Paul does as he ends this first letter to Timothy. In closing this letter he says, “Grace be with you.” (1 Tim. 6:21). Paul reflects on how he had trained Timothy (see 2 Tim. 1:13), and how Timothy had been taught the truth of God and His word since he was young (see 2 Tim. 1:5). Now Timothy needed to be encouraged to persevere in a difficult ministry in Ephesus. Grace is the undeserved favor of God that is poured out at the point of salvation through Jesus and His payment for sin. Timothy knows that but, he needs to rely on God’s unmerited favor in the present difficulties. God is working graciously in the present problems which gives hope for the future. Like Timothy, our hope as believers is based in Christ’s work of grace on the cross, plus His continued grace through all of life which extends to eternity which is all because of grace. We need God’s abundant enabling grace each day. Timothy was reminded of God’s grace; past, present and future. Grace be with you, is a really good closing comment for us to ponder today.
For More See 1 TIMOTHY