Everything is life is measured. Lumber is measured and cut to build a house. Flour and other ingredients are carefully measured to make a cake. What happens if the measurements are not followed? The house may end up being structurally unsafe to live in. The cake may be bland, dry or even inedible. But let's dig a little deeper into our own lives. How do we measure our life? As kids we complain loudly if someone gets more cookies or ice cream than us. Then, in our twisted human thinking, we carry the same ideas into adulthood. We often find ourselves discontent as we look at others, their life and the things they have. However, the temporary nature of things is not a permanent source of satisfaction. We need a renewed perspective of that which will not fade and tarnish. In 1 Timothy 6 Paul addresses how our lives and ministries are to be measured. First, he challenges us to view our work as a reflection of our faith and our relationship to Jesus Christ (1-2). We are to have an eternal focus, even in very difficult work environments, so as not to bring discredit to our Savior. Second, Paul challenges our motivations in life to reflect accurate beliefs about Jesus and our relationship with Him (3-5). The problem is that we like to measure our life by our standards, possessions and positions which proves that we are less interested in following God’s. Finally, we are challenged by the measurement of contentment (6-10). We need to find our contentment in a life devoted to God that is fully satisfied with His provision. Therein lies the problem with someone else getting a bigger piece of cake. We have a hard time believing that God missed giving us the same amount. God has provided all that we need in Jesus. Will He find that our life is measured by His standard or ours?
For More See 1 TIMOTHY